Lens-Based Media Graduation Show 2024
Group Exhibition at V2_Institute for the Unstable Media & UBIK/WORM, Rotterdam , the Netherlands

Related Project: ‘Dream Weaver 555’ , ‘GIVE ME LUCK. FEED ME HOPE’

My installation consists of
‘Dream Weaver 555’ (Horizontal, 10.43 mins, amulets, varied size)
and ‘GIVE ME LUCK. FEED ME HOPE.’ (Vertical, 3.30 mins)

Exhibition Text
“27 – 30 June 2024

Master students of the Lens-Based Media programme at the Piet Zwart Institute invite you to their graduation show at V2 and WORM, Rotterdam.

We are here and we need to tell you something. CURRENTLY, CURRENTLY, CURRENTLY brings attention to urgent questions through the practice of moving image. Along 14 distinct works, each their own current, we explore personal, political and ecological concerns in the world we live in.

Currently, it has to do with all of us.”